Spring Has Sprung! 🌼 Explore the beauty and power of deep relaxation and plant seeds of manifestation and joy! Study Yoga Nidra at your own pace in my all-levels online program.
Joy is your blueprint and your birthright.
Tensions can accumulate not just in the physical body, but in the mind and heart as well. Stress takes its toll in all aspects of who we are, but we can learn to relax deeply on all layers of our being and lay down the burden of these tensions. Opening to the beauty and power that we are at our core, we can reconnect with our true self and design each day to align with our heart’s deepest intentions. This is the premise and promise of Yoga Nidra.
Yoga Nidra, “the sleep of the Yogi” is a profound state of relaxation, experienced as a completely effortless state of peace and bliss. Yoga Nidra is typically performed in the position of Savasana lying on your back with cushions and blankets for total comfort, support and relaxation. After a session of Yoga Nidra, you may feel as clear and refreshed as though you’ve enjoyed hours of deep restful sleep. No experience is necessary to participate and begin to receive its benefits.
Yoga Nidra practice is a powerful tool for stress reduction leaving your physical body and ultimately your whole self feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.
Research shows that the process of systematic conscious relaxation we experience in Yoga Nidra slows brain waves, reliably stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system response in the body, and reduces the release of stress hormones.
Tap into the brilliance of your intuition.
Based in the Tantric technique of “nyasa,” this practice brings together the Indian Yogic methods of alert and relaxed concentration, compassionate observation, and guided visualization to help withdraw the senses from the external world and move the awareness into the deeper layers of the mind to inhabit a state of pure bliss. In this highly receptive and expanded awareness, we can plant the seeds of our most heart-felt intentions in the fertile soil of the mind where they are sure to take root and manifest.
Join me for Online Yoga Nidra Training to kickstart your personal exploration of this life-changing practice. Self-paced and completely online, this transformational program is open to practitioners and teachers of any experience level. You can enroll anytime and progress at your own pace. 35hrs contact CEUs with Yoga Alliance.

Learn more about my Online Yoga Nidra Training HERE